Another Birthday Poem

Continuing with posting things I've written for William (whose birthday was yesterday, you'll recall), here's a poem I wrote for William two years ago, when he turned five. His mother put on a "Robin Hood" themed birthday party for him; thus the subject matter of this poem. If you read yesterday's poem, you will note, after reading this one, a theme of nobility running through them. My heart's desire is that my children will be noble - by which I mean godly, Christlike, honorable, chivalrous, brave - now, not just when they grow up. It seems we always expect kids to be bad, but hope they'll grow up to be good. Then we're surprised when they don't.

I am nowhere near the father I want to be; I am merely sharing my desires, the things I am aiming for. And what I aim for is children who, young though they be, can withstand such pressures and temptations as their tender ages may encounter. That they will not be deceived by the same foolish lies that other children their age believe; that they will not be enamored of the same pathetic music and pop stars of their peers; that they will be repulsed by the same evils that attract many children of our culture. That they will love with fierce loyalty all that is good, true, and beautiful; and, of necessity, that they will hate all that is evil, false, and ugly. That is the motivation behind my writing for them. In this poem, I hope to provide another hero to inspire William's loyalty: Robin Hood, defender of the weak, loyal to the true king, enemy of the tyrant. These things I want and expect and look for in my children, even now, in their childhood. May God in His kindness grant these things to my family and to yours.

William Hood
A Poem For William on His Fifth Birthday

His King’s away, or so they say,
Yet I am not so sure…
That knight in black—is Richard back
From yon Crusading tour?

But since he left the throne bereft
Of lawful king and lord,
His brother John has set upon
The land with tax and sword.

Now Robin Hood, in green Sherwood,
Has taken vows to save
All poor and cursed—but fight and worst
The tyrant and the knave.

The Church—God’s Truth! he loves, forsooth,
As Friar Tuck has said
(Shalt bid that priest hold rite and feast
His Marian to wed!).

No more depart, great Lion-heart—
Return and hear us sing
Of one so good, our Robin Hood,
So loyal to his King.

Your King’s away, or so some say,
But don’t you be so sure!
Do you be good, my William Hood,
Be holy, brave, and pure.

Defend the weak, God’s blessing seek,
And knightly honour win;
Give every breath to fight to death
The tyrannies of sin.

In honour, dare, for Lady Fair,
And never trust to luck;
Your Marian you’ll marry in
The church of Friar Tuck!

With horn and drum, that Day will come—
Your King will reappear
To smite the foe, and overthrow
The overlords of fear.

Be valiant, son, till all is done,
Keep close your bow of wood;
An outlaw in this world of sin,
My noble William Hood.

By Alan-a-Dad