Site Unseen

To those who were readers of the previous, home education incarnation of this blog (you know who you are), you are not in the wrong place. The focus of this blog has changed, but all of the old material can still be found here (browse through "Categories" on your right or use the search function to locate something specific).

The new focus is on stories and how they shape our lives, particularly in the context of the family. This has been a recurring theme in my writing for a number of years, and as it is a particular point of interest for my family, and as I hope this site will grow into a venture that involves everyone in the household, it seemed a natural and even obvious move. Our interest in home education has not waned; if anything, it is stronger. But storytelling is perhaps the most vital element of our homeschool efforts, and so in a very important way, the new website is a continuation of the old.

For more information on what we're up to now, click the "About Family Lore Publishing" tab at the top, or, more conveniently, click here.