
Today is the eighteenth anniversary of my marriage to Angela, my glorious bride. Truly I was blessed far beyond my deserving in this marriage, and I thank God from my heart for her. I have written a number of anniversary poems for my wife over the years. This year’s poem is somewhat different, and I don’t think I’ll publish it here. However, in honor of Angela, here’s one I wrote for our fifteenth anniversary three years ago.

Fortune’s Fool
A Poem for Angela on our Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary

By Her Husband

Alas for me! For I am Fortune’s Fool;
The Slave of Fate, of Circumstance a Tool;
A blind and stupid Stumbler in the dark,
Whose eyes have never noticed Wisdom’s spark.

Yet on the Day whereof Today doth speak,
The Fool found joy he’d had no sense to seek;
And Blessing fell upon a witless head,
Upon the Day when thou and I were wed.

Though foolish still, I know enough to see
The Providential Hand—Divine Decree
That gives to Fools that which we sorely need:
To know ourselves for Fools—poor fools, indeed!

And so I bless the One whose Blessing gave
Thy jewelled heart unto a prating knave;
And so ennobled thy poor husband’s span,
That others see a wise and noble man.

14 August, 2008