Angela's Book-Affiliate Program

Okay, Blog Friends and Facebook Folks, we need your help - and we fully intend to reward you for that help. Angela's book releases in about thirteen days, and we have just launched an affiliate program for the book. If you have a blog or website (or even if you don't - hang with me for a minute), you can become an affiliate to help get this book into as many hands as possible. Sign up, and you'll make 30% commission on every book sold on your site.

I've got more details below. Even if you don't have a blog or site, you can get in on the fun, too. You can even make this available on your Facebook page, or via emails you send to friends or family. If you'd like to find out more about how to do that, email Angela at couponquickstart at gmail dot com. You can also get two copies of the book for free (one for yourself, and one for hosting a giveaway on your site), if you sign up for our Review Special (more on that below). Meantime, here's the details I promised, from Angela's website:

A number of folks have asked for affiliate information on my new eBook, Coupon Quick Start Guide: The Easiest, Fastest Way to Serious Savings and Free Groceries. The details are below: I hope you’ll consider offering Coupon Quick Start Guide on your blog or site. I think you’ll find it worth the time and effort!
If you’d like to join the affiliate program, click the link below:

When you sign up, a registration code will be sent to your email address. Use this to register for the affiliate program.

For every copy of Coupon Quick Start Guide you sell through the link on your site, you’ll earn a 30% commission. The book will sell for $4.99, so you’ll make about $1.50 on every book sold.

In the Affiliates Admin (on the eJunkie website, where we’re hosting the affiliate program), click the “Get Affiliate Code” button, and you will be given html code to paste into your website or blog. This will place a link on your site which will lead your readers to the website where they can buy the book (only if they click through this link will you be able to earn a commission for the sale). DO NOT post this code until September 28th so that you will not have any confusion from buyers.

You can join the affiliate program now, but note that the book will not be available until September 28. But hey, that’s less than two weeks away!

I’ve presented the material in this eBook to thousands of people in my Coupon Makeover 101 classes, so I know what a powerful impact it can be in the lives of ordinary people, desperate to save money in a crumbling economy. So help me get the book into as many hands as possible, and make a nice commission for yourself while you do it!

For those interested, I am also offering a Review Special: if you agree to read the book and post a review (on your website, and, preferably, on Amazon as well), I’ll send you a link to get two copies of the book, absolutely free. Keep one yourself, and use the other to host a giveaway on your site, blog, or Facebook page. As you know, one of the best ways to increase traffic to your site or blog is to hold a giveaway.

If you’d like to participate in the Review Special, just send me an email at couponquickstart at gmail dot com, with your Name, website address, and Facebook page. I’ll send you a link and a special code so that you can get the book for free. And although Coupon Quick Start Guide does not officially release until September 28, the free books will be available to you in the next couple of days (hopefully by tomorrow, Friday, the 16th), so you can read, review, and host your giveaway in conjunction with our marketing campaign, leading up to the launch date in less than two weeks.

Here are more detailed instructions on how to sign up as an affiliate:

  1. Click the “Join our Affiliate Program!” link. For convenience, here it is: Join our Affiliate Program!
  2. In the “Register” section, enter your email address twice, and choose a password.
  3. Click “submit.”
  4. This will open the “Activate” dialogue, with a field to enter an activation code. To get your activation code, check your email inbox. There will be a message there from eJunkie.
  5. Get the code, and return to the eJunkie website.
  6. Enter the code in the “Activation Code” field. Click “Submit.”
  7. This will open the “Required Profile Settings” page. Enter your email, password, business name, and PayPal email address. There is also an optional field for entering your website URL.
  8. On the “Manage Your Affiliate Account” page, click “Get Affiliate Code.”
  9. Follow any remaining instructions; but the next main place you should end up, the good Lord willing, and the creeks don’t rise, is the “Manage Your Affiliate Account” page.
  10. Click “Get Affiliate Code.”
  11. Under “Select Merchant” you should see “Coupon Quick Start Guide.” Click the “Get Affiliate Code” button below.
  12. You will now see a field called “Get Common Affiliate Hop Link (Recommended)”. In the box below, you will see a line of html code. Copy this, and paste it into your website or blog. The result will be a link that looks like this:
Click here to visit Coupon Quick Start Guide.

  1. You can also imbed this in one of our buttons (available soon). You might already know how to do this, but if not, shoot me a quick email at couponquickstart at gmail dot com. I’ll be glad to show you how.
Thanks so much for your interest and participation!