Coupon Quick Start Guide

The time is drawing nigh for the first release by Family Lore Publishing. My wife’s ebook, Coupon Quick Start Guide: The Easiest, Fastest Way to Serious Savings and Free Groceries, will be available in a little over two weeks. The release date, September 28, was chosen because it is also the air date for the highly-anticipated second season of TLC’s hit reality show, Extreme Couponing. Seemed like a good date to release Angela’s book: many who watch the show will be interested in learning more about how to do that crazy stuff they just saw on the tee-vee.

Well, Coupon Quick Start Guide is just the thing for those who want to learn how to do this couponing thing. But there is a difference between Angela’s book and the “Extreme” approach. First, Coupon Quick Start Guide is designed primarily (though not exclusively) for newcomers to the coupon lifestyle. Those who want to start saving money without spending a lot of prep time will find it a most welcome handbook.

But also, Coupon Quick Start Guide can be seen as something of a critique of the Extreme approach to couponing. While the book is designed for the neophyte, Angela did include an Appendix, “Fast Track to Extreme,” for those who want to move to a more advanced level. On the whole, Angela’s take on Extreme Couponing is appreciative, as the show has certainly helped encourage lots of people to look into coupons as a way to help them save money during the current recession. The show has also featured several couponers who give away lots of their grocery stockpile to those less fortunate. All to the good.

But Angela does not hesitate to point out problems. Remember that “extreme” can sometimes mean “going too far;” and many couponers have been downright outraged by things they have seen on the TLC show. Angela will tell you why some of this stuff is problematic, or even wrong. Along those lines, she includes an important chapter on ethical couponing, strongly encouraging her readers to stay within the limits of the store policies, legal guidelines, and most, importantly, God’s law.

Check out Angela’s Coupon Makeover Fan Page on Facebook for regular updates (check back here at Family Lore as well). Angela will be hosting giveaways in the coming days, including a number of chances for you to get the new book for free. And save the date: September 28, 2011, marks the launch of Family Lore Publishing, and of the great new ebook, Coupon Quick Start Guide: The Easiest, Fastest Way to Serious Savings and Free Groceries.